Recreational soccer program

Soccer is more than just a sport - it's a way to build community and make lasting memories.



Price: $290


Recreational Soccer Program Mission

FCGB Recreational Soccer Program provides a high quality neighbourhood-based recreational soccer program for players of all abilities that is safe, fun, healthy & developmentally-oriented, based on these focus areas: well-rounded player development, enjoyment of & love for the game, and a positive and inclusive sense of community and participation.

The Benefits of Recreational soccer provides a rich and enjoyable environment where children can be introduced to the sport in a nurturing and supportive way that allows them to learn the game, experience the game and grow to love the game. Low pressure, fun filled activities are essential to the development of basic skills and tactical awareness and recreational provides just that model.

A starting place for all young players o Recreational programming for the younger players is the very lifeblood of the sport. The youngest players in soccer, all enter as recreational players. Young people who have constructive and useful activities are less likely to have social problems. Initial development of the future elite players later down the road for those who choose that level of play. While recreational soccer serves the needs of the far majority, there are those who may wish to explore a greater level of commitment.

FCGB started a recreational program on February 1, 2023 with the idea of ​​giving all children a chance to play soccer. The coaches will monitor the work and progress of all the children and, based on that, give them a chance in the competition teams. The training program will be based on the same working principles as in the travel teams and in relation to the players’ abilities.